Thursday, April 11, 2013


Today I'm making lists. Lots of lists.

1.) 10 things I know to be true:
*Chocolate is delicious
*Music is beautiful
*Everything has beauty, just not everyone can see it
*My past does not define (but does influence) my future
*Regrets are a waste of time
*Do what you love
*If you let fear rule your life then you're boring
*Modest is Hottest
*Doing unexpected things is a fun way to change the world
*Disney Channel is cool, no matter what anybody says
2.)10 objects I can't live without
*My piano
*My Care bear (they're cute!!)
*My secret chocolate stash
*My staff paper (special paper for composing)
*Sour patch watermelon and strawberry licorice while watching a movie
*Movies (any and all, except the SUPER scary ones)
*Awesome movie soundtracks
*My guitar (even though I stink)
*My guitar chord book
*Money (It's a fact of life)
3.) 10 things I should've learned by now
*Boys have cooties...until they don't
*Every hello has a goodbye
*I cannot change people and they will rarely change themselves
*Leaving tape in my room unattended is a bad idea
*It isn't appropriate to ask your mom if you can ride in the shopping cart when you're...older than ten.
*Don't watch scary movies before bed
*I'm too old to run, jump on the shopping cart, and ride out to our car (after doing that the entire time in the store, of course)
*I'm bad at shaving. Seriously bad.
*I'm a little bit too hyper for my own good
*I'm just a little bit too obsessed with music...if that's possible
4.) 10 of my greatest fears
*Falling in Love
*My first kiss
*Big Dogs
*Murderers and Serial Killers
*Roller coasters
5.) The 10 anythings that make me the most happy
*My sister (seriously)
*My other sister (the baby one)
*My one and only brother
*My best friend
*My other best friend
*Roller Coasters
6.) 10 places I will visit before I die
*Great Britain
*New York
*Paris, Nevada
*Paris, France
*Rhode Island
Now, for a poem. After all, lyrics are very poetic--even though this poem doesn't rhyme:
Hyperactive, Hilarious, Happy, Headstrong
Sara, Paige, Jordan, Mia
Love of Music, Chocolate, People
Who feels Embarrassed around boys most of the time, Energetic around her friends, and downright Edgy around her family
Who needs somebody to love, something to do or somewhere to be at all times, and something to dream about.
Who gives everything to loved ones, nothing to hated ones, and something different to anyone else.
Who fears Boys, Kissing, and Killers.
Who would like to see Great Britain, Russia, and Hollywood.
Who lives somewhere beautiful.


1 comment:

  1. Such wisdom in your lists! Especially #3 -the first one.
    I didn't know there was a Paris Nevada.

    Funny that first kiss is higher than murderers!
